Its 3 and im bored

I tag:

  1. Bryan (update your blog la weh)
  2. Brenda (you too!)
  3. SuPing
  4. SengSeng (mwahaha)
  5. Gling
  6. SuatWei
  8. YenHsian :)
  9. Jaq!!
How do you know 1?
Through Brenda. During form 2, i think.

What would you do if you never met 2?
hmm... i dont know, i cant imagine not knowing Brenda! We've been there for each other since form 1 x) Eventhough we met waaaay earlier hahahaha! (ballet class, not that we talked to each other then) I remember the fights we used to have, silent treatments hahahaha... and how we grew distant in form 2 *bleh* but then grew close again. I guess we're just meant to be best friends, eh? x)

What would you do if 3 and 4 dated you?
LoL!!! Well i'd have to be gay to be dating suping HAHAHHAHAHA but i guess i'd be happy with either one (assume im gay since it states "dated")? both great people that i do really really love after all.

Would 5 & 6 make a good couple?
HAHAHHAHAA Peepoo and mah suatwei!! Prolly, if they were both gay and peepoo was unavailable. It could work, really! It could! XD Gling's always funny and suat wei has super great sense of humour, laughs at practically everything. You've just gotta love 'em both! I know i do!

Do you think 7 is attractive?
omigod. LOL!!! So damn sexy!

Do you know anything about 8's family?
eh, she has a younger brother. xp

Tell me something about 9.
Responsible, matured, admirable. :)

What language does 2 speak?
English, Malay, Chinese.

Who is 3 going out with?
a certain Dumbass xp

How old is 4?
18 and legal

When was the last time you talked to 5?
If you mean "talk" as in literally talk then that would be.. just last week? hahahah! when she called me when i texted her saying i was in Malacca. Meh, just wanted to inform her i was NEARBY, but she thought i could stop by her place. Eheheheh *feeling bad* xp LOVE YOU, DARL! Chatted with her just the other day on msn, if you dont mean talk literally. Tried to IM you today, but msn cacat as hell, i cant IM anyone =___="

Who is 6 favourite singer?
I have no idea. Some chinese singer prolly :)

Would you date 7?
hahah! cannot picture it! Well, if i do then it'd be CAMWHORE EVERYDAY xp

Is 8 single?
Nopety nope

What is 9's last name?

Would you consider being in a relationship with 1?
HAHAHAHAHAHA, hell no. Brenda's property. End of story. XD

Which school does 2 go to?
None at the moment x)

What do you like about 3?
Whats not to like? Mostly her phototaking skillz (HAHAHHAHA), kidding! Dont shoot me xp