Seize the day

Y'know, sometimes i really do wonder how it feels like to have nothing, nothing at all. Like if an earthquake happens and every building crumbles or the tsunami happens and im left with NOTHIIIING. Being robbed of everything emotionally and also like physical assets and stuff.

However, i dont mean everyone have nothing but just me losing everything while everyone is still all happy and rich and whatnot. (again, im making little sense, but... bleh) Anyway, i wonder what i would do, how i would feel. How i would grow from that experience and what i would learn from it.

Or if i'd even be able to rise from that
But for now, im pretty certain i will. Cause eventhough i say im weak and easily broken, i know for a fact im not. *HAH!* I dont think i'd ever be able to live down having NOTHING. I'd prolly get a hold of myself and get back what i rightfully deserve in life *grins*.
Then again, thats what i say NOW. So i guess i wouldnt really know. The other day i was watching...
Oprah! (yesh, May is finally back to watching Oprah once again. My love for her will never die. xp) and it was on people who have lost their homes and stuff, and they were saying how it was some sort of blessing in disguise or something. How they felt so liberated. I guess everyone is just too busy trying to be someone, to get somewhere. No one actually stops to enjoy life anymore. Its always RUSH. RUSH. RUSH. busy busy busy.
Heck, people dont even have time for family anymore.
And i guess, once you lose everything, its like you've got all this free time, and you realise you dont need all that crap to be HAPPY, if you were even HAPPY to begin with. Sometimes people get so caught up with working, they dont even REMEMBER to spend time on themselves, leave some time out to enjoy themselves. One becomes like clockwork. Its wake up, snooze the alarm, wake up again, yawn, brush teeth, work, home at 6, watch some teevee, nag the kids.. then its bedtime. And instead of thinking 'tomorrow is a brand new day full of possibilities,' its 'tomorrow is just another day.'
*then again, im already thinking like that*
Oh crap.
Im not even working and im already like clockwork.
Someone shoot me please?
I think people start out with the idea of 'being successful so i can earn SHIT LOADSA MONEH!!! and afford any damned thing i want and have a supah happy happy life filled with fun and laughter in my frikkin limo and 5 storey house with 5 maids with the same name so i wont mess their names up!!' But after people start working, its like, theres never ENOUGH money. they never want to stop, cause people crave for MORE MORE MORE.
I can have MORE.
and i will have MORE!
ahah! but at what expense?!
So in the end, one fine day, working as clockwork again, you hear this clicking sound. And you just know, OMIGOD. ITS MY TIME. IM GONNA DIE. OMIGAAAAWD!! and your life flashes before your eyes...
Work. work. work. work.
And you slap your head. 'IM GOING TO DIE AND THIS IS WHAT YOU SHOW ME?! what about the fun times i had?!'
Work. work. work. work.
Then one starts to regret and think 'i shoulda had more fun when i had more time.' and then another *click* and you're gone. GONE FOREVER.
One has to remember.
We all only live ONCE.
Unless you get reincarnated.
But even so, you wouldnt be the same person anymore and you wouldnt remember what you had regretted in your previous life! and the same thing would occur again *GASP!!!* oh what a NIGHTMARE!!! and in all your lifetimes you just... KEEP WORKING AND DYING. WORKING AND DYING! WORKING AND DYING!
omigod, im going crazy.
Anyway, imma gonna change the subject now before i explode and say DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE more times than i already have. =) I also think that people should stay young when they ARE young and stop trying to be all GROWN UP. Because that will come, with time.
We are ALL growing older,
we're not getting any younger.
So honestly, whats the point of acting older when you're going to HAVE to be older in just another few years? why not BE young for now and leave that for later? cause we're not ever going to have another childhood. This is IT!
Oh and if anyone wants to try out any shit ass weird hairstyle or dye their hair pink or blue or whatnot. I say GO FOR IT!!! Cause nows the best time =) Once you're in the working world, unless you're a rockstar or a hairdresser or a.... you get the idea, you wont be able to do any funny things with your hair anymore.
Seize the day!
With Love,
The very bored May in the library.
Hence, the very long crappy post. xp