AWESOME MAY in dire need of HELP

So i know you've all been thinking (dont even try to pretend you havent, because deep inside, WAAAAAY back insiiide, you know you have),


I guess its no surprise that due to immense boredom, I have succumbed to


*screams of horror, people fleeing the streets*


yeah right.

Then what has LIMAY been doing?

Dont hurt yourself by thinking too much.

*hey, it happens.*

'has she been taking drugs? what with all these self obsessed pictures, i wouldnt be surprised.'


I have beeeeeeen eating, watching teevee, eating, and sleeping =__=" at ungodly hours in the morning. I dont even know why i sleep so late when theres absolutely nothing to do. i think the boredom consumes you and makes you more bored that, you're so bored you cant even fall asleep. Eventhough i believe it really should be the other way around instead. What can i say? the mind works in strange, mysterious, boring ways.

Like what i told liying earlier,
=>Peepoo loves Mäy 媚 more than words can say said:
cause nowadays my days are filled with
=>Peepoo loves Mäy 媚 more than words can say said:
all sorts of boring
=>Peepoo loves Mäy 媚 more than words can say said:
i cannot even begin to describe
=>Peepoo loves Mäy 媚 more than words can say said:
prolly cause it needs no describing
=>Peepoo loves Mäy 媚 more than words can say said:
cannot be described

I am NOT lying.

Oh it slipped my mind for a moment there, but now its back. My parents have been pestering me to start my study engine again, and it really is quite annoying very thoughtful of them. And my sister has been incessantly bugging me about my personal statement, which i do find that little bit ironic, truthfully. But ah well, its all for my own good.

I know. I know.


Heres the part im gonna ask y'all for help,

(cause AWESOME people need help sometimes too)

I am really really lost. I dont know WHAT i want to do. i dont know WHAT i want to study. I feel so directionless that i just need someone to point me to the right direction. AND DONT ANY OF YOU THINK OF BEING A SMART ASS AND POINT ME TOWARDS ACCOUNTING, because YOU WILL BE BANNED FROM MY BLOG. YER HEAR MEH?!!? *smiles sweetly*

now where was i?

Honestly, i know ive been directionless for a LOONG time now, and i know you ALL know that. And ive said before that i want to go for economics, but i cant help but FEEL that im making a BIIIIG mistake if i choose that. Because its SOOO not me. There is no doubt whether i can do it or not, because i KNOW i can. I know i can do anything i set my mind to. But gaaaaah!! someone help?

Anyway, i have these dreams. I dont think they are impossible, because ive learnt that NOTHING is impossible, and all it takes is for one to believe.
=>Peepoo loves Mäy 媚 more than words can say

i wanna make cards and send them to hallmark and get them sold and then open a store one day selling candy and cards and everything kids would like. oh and cupcakes and unicorns.


and and the store will be like painted in pastel rainbow colours and and i'll have those big lollipops cause they're pretty.

l»ToFuKinG«l "SUO Was Fantastic!


if i make a billion dollars


HAHAHAH! x) Ive got such great friends. I always thought of myself having a job involved in dealing with people. Helping people, more like. Because i always feel so much better when i help someone. Or when i give that good piece of advice. I dont know, it just makes me happy. And i always want to know how people work, and how people get the way they are. I always want to understand. Which prolly also kinda explains me being nosey about everything and wanting to know EVERYTHING. *ahem*


That is also why i thought of psychology, because i know im generally just INTERESTED in it. Its a field where i can just really connect with, i just knoooow so. Well, i may be wrong, but shut up and just listen. XD

But i do understand what my parents have told me, and since then ive deterred from taking the psychology course, and even thinking about it (yeah okay maybe i still think about it that little bit BWAHAHHAA). I cant say i wont get emotionally involved if i get into that field, because im that kinda person. =__=" so fine, maybe its not for me after all. Like when someones sad, i get equally sad. When someones angry, i get equally angry. When someones happy, i get equally happy. When someones... - you get the idea.

Mom says i can just go into business and like work in the human resource department next time or something. BUT THATS LIKE FIRING PEOPLE. =__=" CAN YOU IMAGINE ME SHOUTING AT PEOPLE AND MAKING THEM FEEL BAD ABOUT THEMSELVES AND PROCEED WITH FIRING THEM!??!

yeah okay, you prolly can.

but really, i cant shout at people because i'll just break down and cry while im shouting. =__=" its this weakness of mine. IM PATHETIC. When im sad, i cry. When im angry, i cry. When im really happy, i cry.



Anyway, i feel like my parents dont really care what i want to do, they just want me to do what THEY want me to do. hahahahhaa XD my parents still havent stopped trying to push me towards the ACCOUNTING road. They really SHOULD just give it a rest. They've stopped mentioning it every SINGLE time now, but it still pops up every now and then, that once in a blue moon. Its as if they're crossing their fingers behind their backs praying for me to go,

'you know what? accounting doesnt sound that bad after all.'

Which leads us to,


they THINK they know best. But they're WRONG. they dont ALWAYS know best. I know they have my best interests at heart, i KNOW. But when i say NO. i mean NO. when i say its not something i would like to do FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE, i MEAN it. i dont CARE if theres a lot of money involved in it. I DONT CARE ABOUT THE MONEY. I dont care that if i have that money i can provide my future kids with great lives and buy anything i want.

Because all that, but AT WHAT PRICE?

so NO. which brings us back to economics. I sorta feel that way about economics too, but not as strongly. Perhaps because i dont have such an in depth knowledge about what economics will be in uni and everything. Sigh.

again, someone HELP PLEASE?

i know for sure that im not taking psychology. Economics is still there, an open option, but im cleary against it. heeeeeelp!! i feel like, perhaps i'll just do economics and earn lotsa cash after that, and when i have sufficient cash, i'll quit my job and open that shop i told bryan about.

But sometimes i doubt myself. If i start working, perhaps i'll never want to stop, because it took so long to get where i am (in future) and so i just dont want to QUIT and let that all go to waste. What if i get so caught up in working i forget about all my childhood dreams, all my wants?
