Teeny Tiny

Back when i was a little girl, i always LOOOVED cats and didnt like dogs AT ALL. not ONE BIT. especially bulldogs (still dont, btw) cause i think bulldogs are ooglie. Cats were the SMART ones, Cats were the COOL ones, cats were the ones with the NIGHT VISION and GREEN -glow in the dark (dont argue with me) - eyes. Cats were the ones who were always with witches. and back then,
Witches and powers were all just
So whenever i saw a cat, i'd always meow to it and make it follow me (by taking food out and tempting it, cause it'd just wouldnt respond to my meowing. =__=") into my house and then bring more food to it, so that it would stay. But i'd go into the house, get some meat, feed the cat, walk into the house again.. and suddenly forget about it. By the time i remembered, i'd walk outside only to find it gone. GOOOONNEEE~~ NUUUOOOHHH!!
Which reminds me of this stray black cat which always came to my house cause my sisters and i fed it dumplings =)... and you know how cats are scared of water? well, once the cat was walking near the fence (at my old house) and there were red ants all over it! so i took a cup and filled it with water and poured it over the cat to get the ants off.... and it didnt runaway! =) Sniff.. too bad it got run down by my moms car as she was driving in... ish. =(
Oooh, that reminds me of the time our (my sisters and I) turtle died and how its shell was TURNED OVER *sniff* and how i insisted we bury it and everything, but my maid just threw it into the dustbin in the end cause my parents thought burying it was RIDICULOUS. =( it was a good turtle. i remember setting it on the floor and making it walk here and there all confused cause everywhere it turned, i set a book down to block its path. *sniff* NOW THOSE TIMES ARE NO MORE!
....and and and the dead hamster which died due to excessive heat... outside my grandmas house cause we forgot to take him in.. (he had red eyes) and the black rabbit with the white diamond shaped fur on its head which died in the longkang of the old house... we didnt even know it was dead and wanted to go pick her up and like carry her adn then AND THEN.. *SNIFF* and and the dead fishes.
Okay, im straying WAAAY off topic, but anyway, good to remember them once in awhile.
Anyway, as i was saying, I USED TO LOOOOVE cats... and then one day.
I was watching this SCARY SHIT MOVIE with a white pomeranian inside and the POMERANIAN was just TOO CUTE FOR WORDS to describe. (and i continued watching that stupid scary movie because i wanted more glimpses of the dog) Then the words POMPOM materialized in my mind and i just KNEW...
and name it POMPOM
cause OH-MY-GOD, its just such a cute name. Its like, MEANT TO BE. and thats before i met beebe/bebee/bibi/beabea... now im debating between a pompom and a poodle. Which i dont think i can name pompom but I'll figure something cute up... SOON ENOUGH.
when the time is right.
Anyway, the reason im bringing all of this up is cause, yesterday, my maid discovered kittens in our house pots outside!! and now my love for cats is revived! apparently, the mama cat carried all 4 of her brown kittens and forgot about her...

little baby white kitty

Maybe its cause they see better in the dark (okay im not sure about this, but im just gonna assume so), so its like, they see darker colours better! i know, im so stupid right? whatever, it seems to make some sense to me. shuttup. =.="

and GOODNESS! im in love with it! so adorable! so delicate so WHIIIITE! *dies* just sooooo angelic and totally HAD TO BE MIIINE~~~ i was like so ready to BRING IT IN AND OFFER IT A NEW HOME WHERE I WOULDNT ABANDONE IT. but my maid said that its a baby and can only drink its mothers milk and that its mother will be back for it. =(

so no kitty for me


are you coo-ing at your screen right now?
cause I KNOW.


later on we had to put it back into the pot

Maid said it will die if we leave it outside. anyway, the mama cat took baby kitty away this morn, so now its gone. =( to a new home, not my home tho. SNIFF!!