Birthday Videos

Guess who uploaded some of the videos we took on bryans surprise party on YouTube? xp
So that people like LIYING DEAREST (miss you!) and XIAOVON (its not coloured cause you LIKE BLACK so yeah hahaha! miss you too!) and so on (who are overseas and everywhere else) can view some of the stuff that happened =) like IN MOTION, y'know?! *okay im making little sense here* But still! Anyway, do check back to this post if you've already seen it. Cause i might upload more of the videos. The loading is taking forever so im jsut gonna put up whatever i have now. The rest will have to wait.

I call this:



Trying THE PRANK out

The prank - take two.

the real video got deleted accidentally so we kinda acted it out this time, just so we get a video recording of it. better than nothing right?! x) Thats why bryan doesnt look too shocked and is SMILING happily there. hahahahaa !! anyway, the first time we did it (the real one) we spelled out HAPPY BDY. Kwanseng didnt know where he put his 'A'... second time we did it..


Sara forgot where she left her 'H', so ks gave her HIS 'A' and we're APPY BDAY now. HAHAHAH! no matter how many times we do, still wind up imperfect wan la. But its perfect in its own imperfect way? x) The Gang. AAWW~~

Birthday Song.. DUH.

I put this together.. but somehow i cant load the file into youtube.. the one from the windows movie maker thingy.. dunno how to convert it so i just took it with my phone. Thats why its BLUUUUR, so i made it smaller, hopefully now its clear. SMALL BUT CLEAR! Sorry! Squint your eyes people! [problem fixed]

oh btw liying, THIS IS A VID WE TOOK FOR YOU.. a loooong long time ago. I put it in your sharing folder but i dont think you received it cause i dont see you onliiine =( Anyway, Happy belated birthday? We actually took this vid on the day we received our SPM results. SORRY ITS SO LATE!