
My classmates for 2008 - 2009

So red we're BLINDING you. no, SERIOUSLY.

it was decided that tuesdays would be CLASS day, so on that day we all wore red (cept that girl in orange as you can see. she was the birthday girl on that day so i guess it WAS pretty cool that she stood out from the rest of us) we went to secret recipe and celebrated for her.

Anyway, the tongue-sticker-outter is Pui Yee. Shes really nice, friendly and talkative. And i think most of you know who Suat Wei is, cuz shes from our high school. I didnt know her till this year though. =__=" yeah, im sitting with suat wei by the way. We've all gotten pretty friendly with each other now.

Oh right and we have LAB COATS and GOGGLES. the Lab Coat is like giganticus i tell you. WELL FOR ME IT IS. and so i always feel like a little child in an oversized jacket or something. Its horrid. Other people feel like professional 'doctors' and here i am feeling like a kid. A KID. A KID. oh and the goggles dont help any. i thought we'd get those SCUBA DIVING kinda goggles. with the STRAP ON and everything. but NOOOOO.. they're like HUMONGUS TRANSPARENT SUNGLASSES that are SO BIG they DONT STAY ON YOUR NOSE cuz you're NOSE BRIDGE AINT HIGH ENOUGH and thus you have to keep pushing them up. which can be annoying.

Pui Yee and i all goggled up.

(its cool cuz you can say GOGGLE UP! like you know.. power up?! okay sorry this is me being lame. ahem BUT SERIOUSLY! GOGGLE UP! dont you find that even a LITTLE BIT funny? the other day in class i was like telling pui yee we need to goggle up and started chuckling to myself... no one else laughed. omg. and i realised how lame i was. SNIFF.)

Not feeling very high at all today. XD maybe cause its a really lazy weekend. gotta go study some bio later.. (but im soooo laaaazy) Wont be updating very soon i think.. maybe next week then.
Love! Hugs! and Kisses!

Ps. First two weeks and already a couple in the class. like WHAAAAT!?