Dear Jamie,

I am still UNABLE TO ACCESS YOUR BLOG. You have yet let me GAIN ACCESS TO YOUR BLOG. You said you wooouuullddd! *runs of to a corner and cries* I THOUGHT YOU LIKED ME! you evil girl!

okay enough melodrama for one day, well okay that wasnt A LOT but as you all can probably tell through my posts, God, i've mellowed down so much and i have become.. NO DONT SAY IT LIMAY, DONT SAY IT - BUT I HAVE TO! - NO NO *covers eyes* - yes my darlings, i have become extremely BORING. *groans* I TOLD YOU NOT TO - oh shut it. how times have changed! IS THIS WHAT COLLEGE DOES TO PEOPLE?!?!


assuming there are people like me. i shall label these people LIMAY CLAN. Yes i have unashamedly proclaimed myself leader of that clan. Dare anyone oppose me?! bwahahhaa.. AND SOOOOON THE WORLD SHALL BE MIIIIINNEEEEEEEEE!
okay, seriously. College has changed me.
Just on friday i found a girl i can click with. So hopefully this will be THE TURNING POINT OF MY COLLEGE LIFE and i'll be - y'know - myself again. I imagine i wont be blogging very often in the near future and the far future. College has been exhausting, even without ASSIGNMENTS and HOMEWORK. if i already feel like this on the first few days of college, i wonder what the next 20 days will do to me.
..Ah! i do believe the dark eyebags are here to stay.
Anyway im really squeezed dry of any energy or FUN i have in me. im not kidding! its like someone came and stole my funny! Deja vu! i think i've said that last time too! well not to worry, im sure it'll be back in due time. Just you wait! But at the present moment, please do take time to watch the following clips from *the movie* MY BEST FRIENDS WEDDING. I do love the following scenes! x) Enjoy!

Ps. JAMIE DO GIVE ME ACCESS! when you read this! xp This post was really just to remind you. XD