parking lot

We (brenda and i) as per usual have chemistry tuition in nirmala today. But apparently teacher was having the class in the NEW BUILDING today. And well, we KNEW where the building was but we didnt know WHERE (as in which floor which room and stuff) it was.

so we just trusted our gut instincts, womans intuition and went into the parking lot.


parking lot
Thank Goodness it was still pretty bright so it wasnt that scary. But seriously, it was SO HUGE we were just walking ON AND ON without direction. there were SO MANY doors we didnt know WHICH ONE it was supposed to be.
there were two ways we could go, side or front. we chose to walk front.. and we kept walking ON AND ON AND ON and brenda said 'maybe we should turn back' so we did. then this guard came up to us and told us where tuition was.
only i think he mumbled.. so i didnt catch him. I looked at brenda wondering if she did and the guard looked at us wondering if WE did. and brenda went
so i went
and then i whispered to brenda
'so what did he say?'
and she said
'i was hoping you knew'
SO YAY, WE WERE CLUELESS but we walked to the SIDE way since he pointed there...
there were MORE doors than before. labelled like A(numbers numbers) and all. we walked past the parking lot from letter like E to B. THAT WAS A LOOOONG WAY WE WENT. and we reached the end of the parking lot.. still not knowing which was the right door. so we turned back to get DIRECTIONS THIS TIME. like REALLY REALLY LISTEN AND NOT JUST SAY OKAY HOPING THE OTHER HEARD. =__="
then the guard met us halfway through (WHEN WE WERE AT D) and said he saw us through the CCTV. lol he pointed all the CCTV's to us as he led the way...
he smiled as we reached out destination
'ah here!'
we turned and saw... a slab of WALL. we looked at him like he was crazy and he looked CONFUSED. 'EH?!?!?!?' and then he pointed to another wall.. and we looked... and he went 'EHHH!?!?! AH SORRY SORRY EHHH?!?!?!' XD
and i was starting to wonder if this was some horror movie or something. and BRENDA AND I WERE IN IT. you know? the MAGIC DOOR. appearing and disappearing, sounds like something you heard before right? and i was complaining to brenda how SHE SHOULD HAVE LIKE ARROWS POINTING 'THIS WAY' or you know stick FOOTSTEPS on the floor so we could follow.. like how dorothy followed the YELLOW BRICK ROAD.
tsk tsk! the guard was so funny XD he was walking here and there, not remmebring where exactly the place was and feeling bad. in the end, he found A door. and he was all proud of himself, smiling gleefully at us, waiting for us (cuz we were walking slower than him as he was kind of like walking fast paced to find the door) and then, when we reached..
brenda was nudged me 'hey doesnt that just open to the other side?'
he didnt hear her.. and he opened the door... only to see the other side of the carpark. HAHA THAT WAS SO HILARIOUS. its like you know a wall and a stupid door in the middle of the wall for NO REASON, just to get to the OTHER side when really you can just walk past the slab of wall to get to the other side. i DIDNT SEE THE POINT OF THE STUPID DOOR. but okay.
the poor guard was like 'EEEHHHH!?!?!?!' in distress.. and then.. and then.. HE and then WE SAW IT. a door with a TEENY TINY (well a4 size but PRETTY TINY when you stick it on a HUMONGUS door) NIRMALA paper sign.
brenda and i were SOOOO SWEATY and SOOOOOO HOT. xp what an adventure. haha im grateful it wasnt THAT dark and it didnt have weird flickering lights and weird people lurking around in the empty parking lot. i woulda been so freaked.