First day

Today was the beginnning of the exams! YES. on a SATURDAY. Now saturday doesnt feel like a saturday anymore! how mean of them to have lessen our weekend. *grr*

Anyway, today was BM and BI essay papers.. BM was OKAY i guess, but then again, i ALWAYS have the impression i did OKAY and in the end it turns out i did MUCH LESS than okay. So yeah.. not expecting much of it. The english essay paper was okay too. I really liked my story line, not sure if i wrote it well though.

Guess what i wrote about THIS time? XD yeah.. like almost every term, someone DIED in the story. (yeah im a sadist. so sue me) and coincedentally (bleh) its always the mother. this time my father killed my mother. XD i started the story with the pages of my dairy flipping open the an entry dated 16th of november 1997 and saw a picture. I slowly picked the book up and then i went on with the flashback of what happened.

'mummy, mummy read me the story again!'
'get some rest, love, i'll read you the story again tomorrow, promise.'

I wrote that. And i wrote i was falling asleep and suddenly heard my mum shout and how i thought it was her yelling for someone to kill a cockroach. SO i took a swatter ever ready to swat the damned bug and in my head the words i will protect mummy kept resounding in my head. But what i saw wasnt what i expected. mum was crouching at a corner crying and dad was pointing a revolver at her. i wrote that hez a policeman la.. so hez allowed a gun. then this part i lengthened by saying how my image of my perfect family just diminished and how i did not knwo what to do. There was even one part which i wrote..

My favourite actor, Will Smith, came to my mind and i wondered - What would HE do? and suddenly, i knew. I knew what i was supposed to do. I looked from my mother, to my father and then.. to the swatter in my hand. I lauched myself towards my father yelling 'I WILL PROTECT MUMMY'

Yeah.. and so apparently when i threw myself at him i heard a bang and right after that lost conciousness. when i woke up i saw lotsa dads collegues - fellow policemen - in my house and i thoguht it was a dream and all but it wasnt. yadi-yada. Saw my mum lifeless at the corner, dad was punching his fists into the wall blabla~ walked to mum..

'mummy.. mummy?'

No reply came from her regardless of how many times i called her and how long i waited. Blabla~ (ah.. the usual stuff la). and then i presed my head against her chest hoping for a miracle . that somehow she'd still be alive and i'd hear a heartbeat, hoping the policemen would tell me its a joke. but it didnt happen that way. Blahblah~ and at some point i wrote dad started laughing.. turned crazy as he couldnt accept that fact that she had gone and left us for the heavens above. And something about policemen just standing around looking at us as our meaning of life faded away. Or something like that.. cant remmeber my exact words la.

'read me the story again, mummy, you promised'
(kaitkan with the starting XD)

Then i wrote, i wasnt sure what happened the days after that as i was in despair. But by the time i came to my senses and was partially sane again, i learned that dad was sentenced to a lifetime in jail and i was in an orphanage. no one spoke of that night to me and i never asked. perhaps ignorance is a bliss after all.

When i turned 16, i visited my dad in prison for the first time after that night. He told me that as i lauched myself at him he lost his balance and accidentally pulled the trigger.

'so i contributed to mum's death then.'
'dont say that. your mother loved you. it was me. i was at fault, i dont know what came over me'
(or something like that)

and then we both cried somemore and blabla we looked into each others watery eyes and i forgave him. I said something about i was sure mum forgave him too and was looking at our reunion up above smiling at us. or some sort. XD

then ended it with.. i stared at the picture on the page of the diary of my mum and i. tears welled up and streamed down my face once again

i love you, mum, and i really miss you

so basically thats my story la. =D wrote 3 and 1/2 pages. hand was so pain and shaking after that. LoL... wrote till the very last minute. all so unplanned.. so maybe the story didnt come out as well as i wouldve liked it to be. ahh well. its over.

one day down, many more to go