I saw that!

Today was as every other normal day. And as you all already know by now, when i say normal, i really dont mean normal. (yeah okay fine, i do mean NORMAL but lets just all play MAKE BELIEVE for awhile and pretend my life is as interesting as i make it out to be)

So anyway, there i was on a NORMAL day. As usual (totally normal, see?) i stayed back till 530pm - oh btw a certain mister dumbass *cough lee cough cough yong cough hui* totally FFK-ed me - for mom isnt free to fetch me till then. and i found out

CALVIN (this guy from my class) KNOWS PEEPOO!!
he goes for fencing as well!
oh goodness gracious peanuts cookies chocolate ME!
...but thats totally normal as well
somehow at some point of life you just come to a realisation that the world is INDEED small and tiny and everyone just knows EVERYBODY and we're all just CONNECTED someway or another. like how my orthodontist is your cousin twice removed, how my sisters best friend happens to be your cousins sister, how your grandfather is really secretly your grandmother and your grandmother is your greatgrandfather who lived till a 107, how my cousin worked in an ice cream parlour and your uncle fell in love with her at first sight, how my aunt's cousin's daughter is your girlfriend and my hamster escaped from its cage and died on your lawn that one sunday afternoon.
really. Everything is just LINKED.
so really, no suprise. i swear the only reason i gasped and raised my voice a pitch higher and made my eyes open THIS WIDE O.O and went 'OMIGOD YOU KNOW JYHLING TOO!?!' was just to seem nice and to improve my acting skills. Just to see if he'd fall for it. you know? and of course, MY ACTING SKILLS are just SOO GOOD you'd never be able to tell the difference. Its like GENUINE SHOCK AND AWE. SHOCK AND AWE.
but i assure you. its not.
its NOT.
i was really just acting.
Anyway, on to more exciting news.
It was 5.20pm and mom was going to come soon. Since i needed to get reload, i walked over to 7 eleven, and then i decided 'hm, i feel like seaweed today.' and strolled over to the seaweed section. and then i saw the top of this lady's head... which looked ODDLY FAMILIAR..
and i thought.. NO IT COULDNT BE
The lady was reaching for the sweet packet over at the other side, but i guess she was too lazy to walk all the way over when she could just STREEETCCCHH and REEEAACCCH for it. so i walked over to the side she was at and GASP!!
i blinked twice.
honestly, i did. (im not ALWAYS lying, y'know)
actually i thought it was perfectly normal and fine for her to be buying sweets and all.. but i think she was mighty mighty embarassed. i walked over to her and went 'teacher?' (disbelievingly) and her eyes opened SUPER WIDE like THIS O.O but WIDER (how is it even humanly possible). and she LITERALLY took all the sweets she was holding and hid it behind her.
it was awfullly cute and funny
then she went
'oh no! i cant believe you saw me buy sweets!'
HAHAHAHAHAH!! i wouldnt even have thought a thing but aaww! she was sooo adorable! then she was all laughy and stuff and asked me why i was still there and all (small talk). then after that as she was paying and i lined behind her.. she went 'you buying unhealthy food as well!'
you shoulda been there to see the flabbergasted look on her face!
but still.. whats wrong with buying sweets?!?! i guess its just odd because your student saw you buying sweets? I DONT GET IT! goodness!