Buddhist camp

...but we're not buddhist yet, we're just budshits. XD (according to one of the talks we had) hehe!

camp was at the NS (yeah, national service) camp. Port Dickson Sanctuary. it was really REALLY FUN! i had a GREAT TIME! that was the BEST CAMP I HAVE EVER BEEN TO! (i am so damn serious i couldnt be anymore serious wey!) i shall blog everything in chronological order as thats the way to go.

Day 1

reached the temple at like 7.00 am and registered, found out that sheau tien and swea phin were in the camp too!! in fact, swea phin was a commitee member! WHOA!!! sat down in the temple and waited for others to arrive and blah, left and reached at 11 something. We got into our groups. theres TEN groups, 8 in a group. some groups only had 6/7 ppl cuz maybe some dude/duddette decided not to show. My group had 7. After that, we all seperated to form groups with dormmates. 8 in a dorm.

i was kinda lost, cuz well, didnt know anyone there 'cept tien, and tien seemed to have lotsa other friends and all, but she was so nice *sniff* she didnt forget about poor ol' me! =D got acquainted with dormmates ashley and su wei (she is a cheerleader) on our way to the dorm. we got blankets and everything.. which was ALL SO DAMN DIRTY!! its like brown patches everywhere, stinky, bodies of dead insects, hair and dried leaves stuck on them. EEEKK!! bed sheets, blankets, pillow case, EVERYTHING. IT WAS HORRIBLE!!! especially for us girls who are so used to being treated as princesses. after putting our stuff down we went for an ice breaking sesion with our group members.

there were 8 cartoon characters.

  1. Light Yagami (from death note)
  2. Cookie monster (sesame street la duh)
  3. Lisa simpson (simpsons, clearly as you can see)
  4. Hatake Kakashi (naruto)
  5. Spongebob squarepants (spongebob)
  6. kim possible (kim possible)
  7. Johnny bravo (Johnny bravo)
  8. doraemon (doraemon)

but since we only have 7 members as stated above, we didnt have a doraemon character. Anyway, guess which character i was. lol.... guess larrr... GUESS GUESS!!!



...................GUESS ADI!?!?

..i was spongebob. Okay, go ahead, laugh. YESH I WAS SPONGEBOB LAR! xp 'who lives in a pineapple under the sea? ME ME ME ME!' eee.. so lazy to write about everything single thing, so im not going to. so 'chiong hei' bet you guys also dun wanna read so much boring crap anyway.

There was this activity 'I-Spy' its like this guardian angel thing.. only, its with a twist. we're all given this paper saying whose our charge. We're also given this little book to write down good points about him/her. throughout the whole four days stay we can also write notes to them but not revealing who you are, course. I wrote lotsa crap in the little book (i bet the guy stopped reading at one point. xp) mostly was because i had nothing to do and wanted to keep myself occupied. At 4 something we had 'in serach of nature' which is actually treasure hunt.

We'd have to run to destinations and find plasticine. once found, run back to the cafeteria and get a question from the commitee member. Answer the question and you'd get your plasticine back with a riddle. mould your answer with the plasticine and run to the other end of the cafeteria and pass it to another commitee member and go to your next destination once you get the green light. My group was really lucky, we found all the plasticines really easily and fast. (what can i say? sharp eyesight mar) we got second for that event! YAY SUNDARI!!!! x) There was lots of running involved so we were all stinky, sticky and sweaty when we were done - but happy. =D it was time to take our bath.....

.............................we walked into our bathroom.....and.....saw......this.....gigantic....like pool like thing....=__=" IT WAS LIKE A BLOODY PUBLIC BATH. T___T some girls were okay with it, but some girls werent (yeah i was one of them lar) felt so exposed. in the end i followed some of the other girls and only took off my pants. *sigh* i felt so horrible!! LOUSY BATHROOM WEY!!! and then i realised there were CUBICLES WHEN I WAS DONE! only the cubicles has super little water. LIKE SUPER LITTLE! only the one outside has a stronger gush of water coming out, but there was a long line of people. (the next few days i practically rushed up to the cubicle just so i can have a good bath xp)

After that horrible bath, went to the hall and got the talent night's briefing. Talent night was placed on our final night's stay. So anyway, there were 10 non-virtues written on the board and some really weird words/phrases on the board too. A member from each group is supposed to go out and select 2 non-virtues and 3 phrases/words. There were words such as:

  • Santa Claus
  • May the force be with you
  • Medula Oblongata
  • KL stock exchange
  • Teenage mutant ninja turtles

and etc. there were 10 teams so 5 were in front and 5 were behind making their selections. once the selections were made, the commitee members asked the front 5 to turn around and face the back five. then they SWITHCED PAPERS!!! O.O!!!!! *and said sadhu sadhu sadhu just for kicks* in the end, my group had to act out the non virtues pessimism and gluttony. 3 phrases being

  1. Teenage Mutant ninja turtles
  2. Para-para
  3. Coffee, tea or me

I'll explain more about this when i reach the part about the performance. anyway, after that we had formula 1 racing! which was actually using this unopened bottle of water as an engine and using cardboard to make the body of the car as well as wheels. Satay sticks were used to attach the wheels. After you built the car, a group member will push the car from the starting point and the one which goes the furthest will win. The catch is, when you push the car, the wheels are required to spin! it was REALLY HILARIOUS cuz lotsa wheels didnt spin for most teams. one team DIDNT EVEN KNOW OF THAT WHEEL SPINNING RULE! poor thing lar they all!

they actually taped the wheels TO the body of the car. so really, that was so funny! XD lotsa cars did drifting instead of wheel spinning, so those were out too. XD XD XD!!! one group pushed like SUPER SUPER gently and their car moves around 15cm from the starting point. WTH! but their team were the ONLY TEAM which wheels had moved thus far. xp so THAT WAS LIKE WHOOOOAAA!!! then after that ANOTHER TEAM push their car SUPER FAR MAN! O.O and the wheels spun! their car was so super chunted! My group's car was pretty cool too.. it got pretty far and the wheels spun... but sadly... one spun OUT of the satay stick and cars that need 'repairing' are automatically disqualified with the others.

But seriously, that was SO FUN TO WATCH! XD

Ps. we have Puja every morning and night, lazy to write in lar. xp from ehre on im only gonna write in what i think is interesting. =D

Day 2

Today we did the 'flying fox' activity and the 'obstacle course'.. yeah, the actual one they use for NS camps! 5 groups went for the obstacle and the other 5 the flying fox. my group did flying fox first. i was really very excited, a tad bit scared as it was my very first time, but really excited to get on. =p when it was my turn, when the guy let go... i kept screaming. XD

dont get me wrong.. i wasnt screaming cuz i was scared, i was screaming for fun. you know how you sit this roller coaster and eventhough its not scary you jsut scream? yeah, that was what i was doing. when i reached the end the guy working there was like 'you scared ar?' and i said 'um..no'..lol.. then other ppl asked me if i was scared too. guess they must've though i was weird for screaming like an idiot. xp bleeeeh. so sue me man! the other ppl were so quiet when they did it... maybe thats why some of them found it boring. XD SCREAM PEOPLE! SCREAM! XD its much more fun that way, even if you're screaming by yourself. xp (well at least it was for me)

I was seriously dreading the obstacle course. you all know lar, im SO NOT MADE FOR PHYSICAL STUFF. people like me fits the category of SLOTH better... MUCH MUCH better. xp trust me, i know me best! so anyway, the first stunt was pretty easy lar.. but honestly it didnt look easy to me (though in the end i found out that it really was). i was like 'aaahh...craaappit'.

1st one

theres this like pole up to perhaps my waist, you're suppsoed to jump over it. like, put two hands on the pole and push yourself up and jump over kinda thing. (yeah im pathetic to have thought that hard, bleh...)

2nd one

after that it was walking on a plank supported by ropes with water below if you fall. One girl fell, not from my team though. the rest made it through fine.

3rd one

its this wall you have to climb over. its a little higher than my height. so basically you have to pull yourself up - which is what all the guys did. XD the guys were like saying to each other 'YOU CANNOT DO THEN YOU GO HIDE YOUR FACE LAR!' haha, the girls all had help. one of our teammates would place their hand on their knee and we'd step on them to get up. i felt really bad for that actually, stepping on ppl's hand. *ouch*

4th one

TARZAN SWINGING!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! i was thought that was pretty cool. but thinking that somethings cool doesnt mean that i wasnt freaked. cuz trust me, i was freaked. there was a puddle of mud water (which was actually pretty clean) really big puddle =__=" made that big PIT of water below and we were suppsoed to swing across it. I watched some people do before me, and they were saying that the trick was to jump and grab higher. but then i was thinking, if i jump to grab higher..later one hand cannot support then hoooww wooorr? FALL AR!??! *aiks* knowing me, you'd all know that i hate going last. so i went after my group leader went. they counted '1...2...3!'.. i jsut didnt spare a thought for it and jumped (like i've never jumped before).. and...annnddd...AAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNDDDDD..... I GOT THROUGH IT! my first try too! *sniffles* im so chunted lar wey. quick quick! praise me! xp but my butt got wet. =__=" that was retarded.. haha when i got up they were all saying 'EH I LIKE YOUR BUTT WEY!'

5th one

oh this was the WORST WORST WORST WORST ONE! my most embarassing moment in camp if i do say so myself. ACK!!! it was..... *dumdumdumdum!!* (drumrolls) MONKEY BARS! with water below. and here i would like to state that i have never attempted monkey bars ever. partially because i have really sweaty hands so i never get good grips and i dont think i can support my weight for long. (time to do weight lifting? *omgoodness* XD) it was so SO SO SO embarassing, AGAIN, i didnt wanna go last. for going last was just.. GOING LAST. (doesnt make sense to you? dont worry, it doesnt matter, make sense to me can di) i stood there... for bloody 5 mins... or longer. or maybe shorter? (hopefully, but i dont think shorter) i was so scared of letting go. the tarzan one was easier as all i had to do was JUMP AND HOLD ON. and LIKE HELL I WAS LETTING GO! PLEASE LAR! xp yeaaah.. so this was really tough for me. the people there were really really REAAALLLYY (gosh, im so touched) sweeeet!! they were all cheering me on... going all 'LI MAY LI MAY LI MAY LI MAY! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!' and all. *sniffles* i tried to let go so many times but couldnt.. and once i did and was dangling for awhile but somehow i managed to make my feet go back where it came from, so yeah, i was at the beginning again. (humilliating moment really reaches its peak here) in the end i actually managed to let go... before anyone shouts their HOORAY! or releases their breath of relief 'FINALLY' ... i grabbed the stupid first bar and fell. lol. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! *scream of embarassment* but everyone was EXTREMELY NICE, especially keith the commitee member... who was telling his friend at the next stage about 'the girl who was so scared to do the monkey bar and fell after the first one but she tried her best, thats the spirit' *sniff* i was like.. so touched so touched wey! and no one ever brought it up ever! THANK GOODNESS. i woulda been blushing red right to my pinky toe. T__T

6th one

crawling in the sand pit under plastic wires or something.

7th one

another wall to climb, but this time, HIGHER... much MUCH higher. imagine this really tall guy, take the tallest guy in your class for an example (or just picture a guy who is taller than me by a head and a half). I had to first step on his knees, then his shoulder, this his hands (with another boy supporting my legs) and two ppl up there pulling me up to get up there. that was HOW HIGH IT WAS. and climbing was EASY, i mean, c'mon lar, ppl just carry me up ni, course easy la! xp after that we had to literally jump down from that height. the words 'ARE YOU CRAZY!??!' were crossing my mind... they said to let my body down first, so i did, and i was like 'HOLD MY HAND! HOLD MY HAND!' (sounds wrong but its NOT okay) cuz i was afraid i'd let myself go before i was ready. so they did.. then they said 'kay, now slowly let go.. slowly sllloooowwlllyy..' and i did try to SLOWLY let go. i DID I DID! so when they let my hands go and i tried to sloooowllllyyy leeettt goooooo....... i fell. =__=" and my hands got scratched on the way down. not my palms, my arm. and i landed on my bottom with a loud thud. but i was okay. xp in fact, i think i was going to laugh. XD my leader was not so fortunate... apparently she asked the guys to hold her hand first, but they didnt... and let her go instead... and she fell. T___T poor girl ler... she didnt see that coming and cried from shock. ACK!

Everyone made it through the obstacle course safely. no one died. =D heck, I SURVIVED!!!! *hip hip HOORAY!* (who woulda thought this day possible) *sniff*

After the obstacle course we did lotsa other stuff and then after that LOTSA OTHER STUFF we played DODGEBALL!!!! XD dodgeball was pretty fun.. but each game ended all too fast as the court for it was REALLY small. my group didnt win - it was fun all the same. =D

3rd Day

Last night we would be spending at camp! and as horrible as the bed was, as dirty the bathroom was, i dont think i was ready to leave it all just yet. though somtimes i tend to be a little lonely as i didnt have exactly anyone to turn to as everyone had their own group of friends and i didnt. i only had my cousin and he wasnt being much of a companion to me. i was a bit disappointed and let down by that fact as i thought cousins were supposed to look out for each other. but im not going to dwell on that as honestly, i still had fun either way. I did hang out with some girls form my dorm once in awhile. They're all so nice. =)

Today we did ANOTHER tiring physical game. it was running to various stops and doing the activities there. there were jumping in gunny sacks, shaking butt with a tissue box tied at your butt for the pingpong ball to fall out, walking like crabs for all teammates legs are tied, throwing water filled plastic bags and so on. It was tiring but AGAIN, really really fun. and though we faired rather badly for this activity, our spirit were always there, and we'd always cheer each other on. =D and so, eventhough my group was probably the QUIESTEST one of the 10, i still think we so rock wey! XD we have our moments! x)

It was tonight which we had TALENT NIGHT. know the one i was talking about in the first day? dont remember? oh boy, you're getting old... go refresh your memory by scrolling up. too lazy? GO DIE LA HAIHYO! SCROLL UP NI LAR! >=) remmeber i was talking about the three phrases? the judges get to pick when they want the phrase to be said. As in, you can be in the middle of a conversation and suddenly, the judge (keith) would write on the white board one of the lines and show the audience then show the actors. you would then have to spontaneously use to line within 30 seconds or you would get points deducted.

i shall tell you about my groups sketch as thats probably the only one i remember clearly though the rest were REALLY HILARIOUS too. Two Thumbs Up for talent night! =D

We have a SINGER AND DANCER in our group. Thats our very own light yagami, Seh Jiang. =D and what more? he is like super good looking! so i bet all the girls were drooling. HAHAHAAA!!! XD chun chun CHUNTED! our two non-virtues were pessimistic and gluttony. i played a really minor role so expect really little lines from me. xp

scene 1

Seh Jiang rings up his girlfriend's (sze mann) handphone (in the drama). *the following lines are roughly what they said lar, i dont remember exactly as it was all ON THE SPOT kinda thing*

SJ : hello darling, i want you to hear something *SINGS CHINESE SONG LIKE DAMN CHUNTED DAMN CHUNTED! OMIGOSH IT SOUNDED SO GOOD EVERYONE WAS CHEERING AND IT WAS LIKE WOOOOWWZEEEZZ... i, myself was in total awe! =D GO SEH JIANG!! he was TOTALLY ROCKING THEIR WORLDS! xp BEST MALE SINGER I'VE HEARD SO FAR (who is not actually an artist)* did you like it? i sang it especially for you~

SM : aaaawww... thats so sweet of you, dear.

*judge shows out the whiteboard and it says PARA PARA on it*

SJ : Honey, i have something else to show you *so apparently the phone was 3G phone?* (and seh jiang dances!! DANCE UNTIL DAMN CHUNTED TOO! singing better lar, but dance really well too! all eyes were on him... XD LIKE WHOOOAAA!!!!)

SM : aawww!! dear ar, its getting late lar, i have to go

SJ : okay laaa... talk to you later. Bye bye! Love yaa~

and after five minutes

SJ : *ring ring* darling arrr... i miss your voice laarrr

*the judge holds up TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLE*

SM : But its so late already... and im busy watching TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLE

(SJ proceeds to call somemore but SM doesnt pick up the phone. so he's like really pessimistic, so he thinks shes talking to someone else. like WHY ELSE WOULDNT SHE PICK UP THE PHONE?! so he gets really depressed. this is all acted out im jsut lazy to type dialog)

Scene 2

(he enters the restaurant with his two best friends Zhi cong and Yu Jing.. they ask him what is wrong and he says its his girlfriend and he goes BLABLABLABLABLABLABLA *literally* xp that was hilarious)

*the waitress comes in, yeah thats me*

ME : good afternoon boys, and what would you like to order?

ZC : *names some food i forgot*

SJ : aiya! everything on the menu la!

*judge holds up COFFEE, TEA OR ME*

ME : right right... and what about drinks? you knnoooowww... you can have either coffee, tea..........or ME. *pose*

(eek! we totally didnt practice this part, didnt plan what to say)

ZC : um... we'll take all... THREE... i'll see you tonight *raises brows*

ME : *laughs like those super 'hiao' girls* see you tonight theeen~

(ah yes, my part ended)

Scene 3

(we watch Seh Jiang stuff himself with invisible food. and DAMN he looks convincing! then he blows his hand that makes that LOUD FARTING SOUND. xp from then on, he was FAT.)

Scene 4 - girlfriends house

SJ : *rings doorbell* *girlfriend sister answers, her sister played by Li Yen* *Seh Jiang Kneels and bows his head carrying invisible flowers in front of him* I LOVE YOU! i came today to beg for your forgiveness. I was wrong. what i did was wrong. i treated you so badly! please forgive me!

LY : uuuhhh... who are you?

*SJ looks up... looks shocked.. jumps back*

SJ : im sorry, that wasnt meant for you, im looking for your sister

*she calls her sister*

SM : oh my... you look so...so...different..*meaning fat la*

SJ : honey i came..... *cuts off*

(from a distance can hear)

ZC : HONEEEEYYY~~ HOONNNEEEYY~~ wheres the toilet rolls arrr? where do you place them? i cant find them !

*SJ looks damn confused*

ZC : OH! nevermiiind! i found it! =D *he enters the room* HEY BUDDY!!! WHAT A SMALL WORLD! FUNNY I SHOULD BE MEETING YOU HERE IN THIS.. house....oh no.. oh NO... its NOT WHAT YOU THINK!!!!

*SJ looks at them both disbelivingly*

ZC : we're just... *walks to SM*....together...

*all hell breaks loose. XD dammit i love that we're just together part. it was hilarious!!* (SJ quotes a line from initial D. the figthing one. XD)

Scene 5 (SJ and ZC fight)

(SJ does lotsa random moves, it was SO CUTE! at first he pose then said TAEKWANDO! then KARATE! then NINJUTSU! and lotsa other stuff until he ran out of cool names and he just suddenly pose and went all 'uh....eagle!' then... 'uh... SNAKE!' XD it was SO CUUUUTEEE!!! funny like SHIIITTTT... laughed until i was half dead)

ZC : I'm going to just give you ONE PUNCH! *ruunnnss and PUNCHES!*

(narrator says 'and yes, SJ dies. xp the crowd were like booing to ZC for killing SJ adn there was this one judge *female* who was so super entranced by SJ. she was like OMIGOOOOSSSHHH!!! and then another judge said 'EH! ZC! you watch out ar! tonight she gonna kill you man! you dare to kill her SJ' XD it was so funny!!!! SJ earned so many fans in jsut one night)

after that during sharing, they had Seh Jiang go up and sing agian, this time with a mike. he somemore purposely go in front of that judge (the one swooning for him) and sang. WAHLIAO WEY! XD her face was so red. xp a guy who is good looking, good at dancing, can sing so damn well... GOSH. XD

other teams were really funny too! i'd like to write about those too but seriously, this post is DAMN LONG already and i cant stand to write anymore, my ahnds are failing me adn i need to sleep. yesterday only 3 hours of sleep and maybe half an hour of nap in the bus.

4th day

after breakfast, packing and the photoshoot we went back. Revealed the guardian angel thing to our 'cucu' (our charges). =) my cucu was so nice ler! ^^ when we were going back that time he hugged his friends, then he was all 'dont think i forgot about you ar GA!' *sniff* what a good nice cucu! xp then hugged him. =) Our group won 5th overall. so really, we didnt do half bad. =D in fact, i think we did rather well. oh adn we got fourth for our acting. =D not bad, not bad at all. xp my guardian angel was really nice to me too. =p he sent me messages like 'CHEER UP! SMILE!' and everything, and he congratulated me on the sketch and aaw! he even noticed that i found one plasticine during treasure hunt. thats so sweet of him. x) really encouraging and nice. we took somemore group photos after that and left for home.

It was really fun and i had such memorable experiences. wouldnt trade them for the world. =D i would really miss working with my group thinking up ideas for the sketch for we were all so crazy then. xp crazy funny people lar, seriously. =D i'd miss the magic shows by adelene at night. GOSH HER MAGIC SHOWS ARE COOL OKAY! she can bend the fork! i was so amazed. SPECTACUlAR PERFORMANCES! would really REALLY miss that. and the commitee members =) who were ever so nice for organising everything for us. and colecting money to fund our stay there, so we'd only have to pay RM100 when really, stay one night there already RM100 lo, and thats without food. THANKS FOR EVERYTHIIINNNGGG!!!

i feel so at ease at the camp. everyone you smile at, they smile right back at you. they talk to you even though they dont know you. they crack jokes with you, they just take a chair and sit next to you and chat up with you when you dont know them. its like.... *sigh* you dont get that often. and yet in camp, its like that, every single moment. =D and they're always constantly helping you, encouraging you, cheering for you. x) and a personal thank you to Li Chuen (also room mate) who was always teman-ing me to the toilet hahaha! and lending me toothpaste xp you so rock wey!

Like during this session we were asked to go around the room and hug ppl. everyone just stood and hugged.. hugged all the ones we dont know and know. that was so awesome. i got darker after the camp. EEK! x.X school starting soon. i dont feel like a form 5. gah. i wanna be a kid and stay a kid. bleh. i wanna be peter pan!!!!

- going off to bed -

may you all be well and happy :)


Anonymous said...

SO COOL! I wanna joiN! =D Next year ada kah?!

PureViLmay said...

goot! every year pun ada