We did it!

Today sara, victor and I went for another presentation practice. =D the first practice was held last week and BOY we got lotsa negative comments from the lady there. T__T but she gave us lotsa pointers and we made ammendments for our script. More than half of the script was changed, mind you. Last week, she was like directing this ques to the other school who would ALSO be presenting,

' what stood out in the speech they made? '

their teacher answered for them, 'their enthusiasm'. THATS ALL! our enthusiasm.. but apparently our enthusiasm came from all that giggling we made everytime we said something wrong.. which we later got scolded for. giggling = not professional. *whoopz?* so two days ago, three of us stayed back and edited the script. the script was FINALLY done only yesterday night. Sara and i spent more than half an hour on the phone practicing it.

It was SO ANNOYING cuz we felt like we were talking very fakely. You know like CNN!?!? those news reporters? yeah, we felt like we were talking like that. And that just felt WRONNNNGGG. the intonation and all were all OFF!!! we felt so FAAAKKKEEEE!!! *sniffles* both of us were on the verge of giving up.. so we started making fun of the script. sara imitating dracula accent XD it was hilarious, and it DID bring our moods up. =)

This morning, at school, sara and i read the script out for brenda, seeking for a second opinion. Hoping, just HOPING that somehow she wouldnt think we sounded CNN-ish. But gah.. she thought so too. T__T in the car we practiced somemore.. walking to the LRT station we PRACTICE SOMEMORE... by the time we were in the LRT station we gave up and decided.. we'd just do what we think is right.. and try our best.

XD whats funny is, in the LRT, where there were LOTSA PEOPLE.. CROWDED WEY!! morning lotsa people, didnt know that. sara and i tried to get out minds off the script. XD so we started singing. YES.. IN THE LRT. which was so VERY retarded (like tell me about it) cuz everyone was SQUEEZING into us. But did we care? *grins* you know us better than that. course we didnt. BWAHHAHAA *at least we dont sing horrible, the people there were probbaly delighted. Im just saying. XD*

we sang so much that even AFTER getting off the LRT, it was hard for us to stop. teacher kept asking us to conserve our energy.. save it for later. but we couldnt help it. XD we just got into the singing mood and YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO STOP WHEN YOU ARE IN THE MOOD. yeah. but thankfully, i can control myself lar.. *ehem* sara was SO CACAT! XD

she started singing again... and i was like "sshh". from this point, S is sara and M is me. Gonna pick some random song cuz i cant quite remmeber which song she was singing (doesnt matter anyway)

S : and then a hero comes along~
M: SSHH!! i thought you say wanna stop already!!
S : oh sorry!!
*pause for 2 secs*
S : da da da dummm~~~
S : Ohmigod! i forgot! sorry, i didnt do that on purpose
M: retarded!!!
*after another 2 secs*
S : *hums somemroe*
M: Saaarraaaaaa!!!

in the end,SOMEHOW *with much of my assistance ahem ahem* she managed to cease singing. =D im great, arent i? we went to crown princess for rehearsal. GOSH the pool was cool and there were really nice paintings.. and the lights were cool. I felt BIG AND BAD. =D (no i just felt like putting that.. bleh)

We did one round of practising with the mike.. the scary lady had not arrived yet. later, when she arrived, i got over my initial nervousnous *uh..* =) we were really surprised, cuz the LADY SMILED at us when we did our presentation. she said we were still a BIT fast but other that than, we were fine. she kept smiling!! GOSH! sara and i were so happy we skipped around after that and were like lil girls!

victor looked at us as if he was overseeing the whole thing and were laughing at two kids. trying to act cool and manly. wth. XD anyway, yeah!! im so proud of us! worried for nothing. CNN was the way to go in the end. =D she liked it!! HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY YAYYY!!!! *beams*

after that we ate at KFC as a reward.. paid by the company *bwahah!* in the LRT, sara and i talked about stuff and all *that which was bugging us* yeah, so victor was listening in sometimes, but whattaheck. we went on talking in the car too.. and teacher listened in at some parts.. XD kinda retarded.

today was fun. =) and im just glllaaaad~~ hehe.

- annoying charming smile *kills* -


Furbie said...

that's great! better than us stuck in school.so boreeeeeed

Furbie said...

that's great! better than us stuck in school.so boreeeeeed