Stock challenge

Went for this stock exchange thing today and yesterday. Yeapp.. it went on for two days. from 9 in the morning till 4 late afternoon. Im not going to drone on and on about the happenings during these days cuz im just REALLY tired.. i mean, i just came home and its been SUCH A BUSY DAY. XD

Basically each team were given an article each round (total 6 rounds). you read the article and identify with stock is going to go up or down, then you decide what shares you want to buy. as soon as the BELL rings, one person from the team will leave the table to buy the shares you want. Then you do the paper work and blah.. and see if the shares go up.. count your money and on to the next round! there are a few rules like the ONE AWAY RULE meaning only one person allowed to leave the table in a time. and lots more..

we were given bonuses on NAME TAGS made, BUSSINESS CARDS made, BROKER SIGNS made, COSTUMES! (yea, this too), CALCULATORS brought, DICTIONARY brought and KNOWLEDGE quizzez (general knowledge, didnt fare well in this one. lol...)

Yeap, we had to make ALL OF THAT in A NIGHT!!!! Thank God my team members (fellow brokers XD) sara and joyee could come to my house to make all of that after the first day. The name we chose was


When the canadian lady (PIC Person in charge) heard that, she was like O.O and after we told her the slogan she kept saying I LIKE THAT! I LIKE THAT! which made us really happy! XD

Slogan : We LURE Your Money IN

Hawt stuff, eh? tell me about it. XD XD XD though we didnt win, we still did farily well and im really REALLY glad.. cuz i had SO MUCH FUN. for costumes, Joyee wore a white shirt over a pink shirt and white pants and this cowboy hat. we stuck the word SEXY BROKER on the hat (looked really good) and drew ABS on a paper and stuck it on hsi front. XD Then for the girls, meaning sara and i, we painted bikini's and cut them out.. XD XD XD then wore caps. pasted the bikini on black shirt and both of us wore skirts. DAMN WE LOOKED HOT! XD.. kinda FUNNY.. felt WEIRD but nevertheless.. HAWT! XD XD XD SEXY PEOPLE MAN!!!

When we first came into the room, lots of people were STARING. XD they were all LOOKING.. the canadian guy (PIC person in charge) was like 'wow! im going tot ake a picture of you all' XD teachers came and praised us.. they really REALLY liked it. we were so HAPPY. IMAGINE HOW WE FELT!!! XD embarassment EVAPORATED just like that. and we were so PROUD of our work we were SHOWING off. XD (sounds wrong i know, but yea) then jaq and LOTS of people kept saying we looked nice. and we kept getting glances from other groups which was FUNNY. XD

Then, once joyee went to buy the shares so sara nad i were just standing up talking, this photographer took a pic of us. XD we talk halfway, PAUSE.. then SMILED AND POSED FOR THE CAMERA! XD then continued talking. the next thing you know, the canadian guy cames up and ALSO WANTS TO TAKE A PICTURE. XD we paused AGAIN and POSED. HAHHAHAA kinda funny lar, felt so.. like WAAAHHH... we know we look good lar. XD hehhee... then the teachers kept talking pics of us too! Im so glad sara was there, i never would've dared to pull off such a stunt. Sara said the same thing. XD

Lots of people said the bikini looked REAL from far. which sounds REALLY RETARDED but YEAAA.. XD WE DID A GREAT JOB ON THE COSTUMES!!!!! whee~~~ so sexy larr.. will post up pics when joyee sends them over. XD for now, i'll just show you the pics we took at my house when everything wasnt ready made yet. hehee..cuz thats all i have for now.

Thats our NAME tag, designed by my sis Li Ee and I. Thats why she has one for herself too! XD she insisted on having one printed for her.


(More photos will be up later)