
This post will be short cuz mum's asking me to vacuum the floor.

went to the market today with mum cuz i had to buy papercups for sports day (YE program). then we went to buy some veg's and fish and you know.. stuff. Mum asked me to stand at one of the fish stalls and wait for her to come back.. she was gonna buy some more vegs you see, and the fish wasnt ready yet.

So there i was, standing at the fish stall with a hundred papercups in one hand and heavy heavy pork in the other. Surrounded by dead fish. Oh lucky me. The DEAD fishes just looked so SHOCKED and HELPLESS (not that they have any other look).. i couldnt stand it and had to look away. Turned to the back.. another bucket of dead fishes.. front, another stall of dead fishes, right left.. dead fishes. I HAD NO WHERE TO RUN! and to close your eyes is just weird.

they were all LOOKING AT ME. with their eyes open BIIIIGGGGG (not that they can close it). Ugh. some of the fishes eyes were kinda red. perhaps they panicked to much blood shot up to their eyesockets? EEWWW. disgusting.

okay got to go. mum calling.


Furbie said...

u paranoid!!!

haha,but the fish dooo look pitiful and then u start feeling sorry for 'em ..xD