Huggies pampers.

'eh John! I think you forgot something!'
'come here! I think you forgot something!'

and he walks over with his arms wide open. Hah, i love how he knows what he forgot like *snap* straight away. But HanHien blocks him and tries to hug me instead, but i dont want to hug HanHien cause hes all sweaty and icky and hasn't taken his bath when he was supposed to like EONS ago. Told him i would only hug him after he bathed but NOOOOOO. looool, so John pushes him back and i get to hug John, and HanHiens like,

*group hug*

'eh! what are you doing lah!'
'im hugging you also laaaaa'
'but you're dirty butt!! I dont want to hug dirty butt!'

*doesnt care and continues hugging*

daaaaw. I love these kids.

Im going to miss this the most when they grow into early teen stage. You know how they get when they're at that stage. When you ask them for a hug, they just walk over to you and give you the limp jellyfish, ie, just stand there and let you hug them for awhile and passes that off as YES I'VE HUGGED YOU. and then groans when the hug gets too long, cause they're embarrassed by it. and if you go,


they awkwardly pat you on the back, and yes, thats the BEST they can do. LOL hella funny. One of my cousins is currently in the limp jellyfish age and spent most of the day going,


naw, but i know thats just a code to cover his shyness. ITS TOTALLY OKAY BOY, i understand. *nodnod* xp totally love how hes so shy, so i purposely bother him more and hug him more. And in the car, he was surprised i used the seatbelt at the backseat, so i said,

'yeah, too young to die, y'know?'

and then he went
'YER LIMAY! embarrassing!'

and then i went into LOCKDOWN MODE, caught him in a hug and went,
'yeah and since you wont wear yours, i guess i'll just have to be YOUR SEATBELT. HOHO'

its totally awesome.

After they get past the limp jellyfish stage, it should be okay though. I mean, they dont exactly walk over and hug you on DEMAND anymore, but they hug you when its time to leave or when you arrive, so thats okay i guess. HAHAHA, and thats when they're in their late teens. Meh, so much gap in between, thank goodness for the niece/nephew on the way HOHO

Also, just to show that persistency pays off, at least with me =__="

Note: John was over at HanHien's place yesterday and they camped outside in the garden.

'Hey hey, do you want to see my tent?'

Cause it was HOT outside and the house was cooling and niiiicee.

Mere seconds later,
'Hey hey, do you want to see my tent?'

*sad face*

'okay okay, i'll come see your tent.'

*runs excitedly*

bah. (:

BuddyNg the Family Dog

Food for thought :
Its easy to place the blame on others, to see what another has done wrong, to say what another could have done differently, but what about you?


If you haven't seen the pictures on facebook or met him irl,
Buddy is all grown up now! (:

him and his tennis ball!

Immensely proud of him! Nowadays when i say 'hey boy! where's your ball? where's your ball? hmm? Where is it?' He actually knows what im talking about and go gets it, or if its stuck somewhere he runs to where it is then looks up at me. So we play fetch. He likes chasing after the ball and grabbing it and walking back to me, even listens to instructions and sits in front of me like a good boy with the ball in his mouth.

But hes SUPER possessive. I go, 'okay, now boy, let go! let go of the ball!' and he just ignores. Stares back at me defiantly and when i try to grab the ball he just turns away like NOOOOO its like hes playing a little game with me. He doesnt bother to run away, i just have to somehow manage to yank the ball away from him. Gyar! Watched Ceasar Milan's show 'Dog Whisperer' (downloaded by my sister) and in the show he said that you must take the toy from the dog, if the dog refuses to give the toy to you, its cause hes showing that hes the dominant one, so you've got to snatch the toy away from him and show him that YOU'RE the MASTER.

TT i've yanked it from him so many times. It doesnt work.

Hey boy, im the master you knoooowww.
Or do you just not get the concept? TT

Like Bryan said, Buddy has this don't care don't care attitude. looool. And often he won't layan you. If you run to one end of the car porch, he'd probably run halfway and then stand there and watch you as if saying 'whatchu doing, eh?' I thought dogs LIKED to chase after running people. NOT MY DOG. HE QUESTIONS YOU.

But he does like to follow me around. So i like to confuse him by making lotsa turns (basically walking in circles). Maybe thats why he ignores me sometimes. Huh. Well, that explains everything.

Really good boy though. Doesn't bark.
Listens to instructions most of the time.

Knows not to enter the house.
He just sits outside in front of the door and waits for you to come out. If you dont play with him, thats what he does. Just sit outside and wait. And then when you open the door, you see that cute, eager face. Like PLAY WITH ME! PLAY WITH ME! and you're like AAAAAWWWW *pat pat, hug* and then he gets his fur and drool all over you.


Then hes more responsive to your calls and everything. Because he likes the company and hes been alone outside for way too long. HAHAHAHHAHAA its like, 'I'LL BE GOOD, so PLAY WITH ME, OKAY?' (: Supah adorable. And when you sit on the chair, he sits really really close to you and tries to put his head on your thigh, like asking to be stroked or something. Only its kind of disgusting because his drool will fall on you so its like EEEWWWW hahahahahaha Buddy. tsk tsk.

When hes in one of his 'being good' moods, i'd take the opportunity to camwhore with him. HAHAHA OF COURSE RIGHT?!?!
But the boy really doesn't like taking pictures. He always looks somewhere else =__=" wherever the camera is, he'll just TURN AWAY. So frustrating, very difficult to get a nice shot. THATS THE BEST I COULD DO. TT What happened to the days where he used to be all curious of the camera and look at it so i could take kick ass nice photos huh? WHAT HAPPENED TO THOSE GLORIOUS DAAAAYYSSS??!?!

And, he gives me this TIME LIMIT. He'd be good and just sit there and lemme hug him and snap photos (though he'd turn away most of the time) but after that time is up, he ducks and moves out from the hug, and hes ready to go play again. Frustrating. hahaha
It was so funny. This morning, I was watching the teevee when i heard the klinking sound of his collar, so i knew he was out of his cage. So i opened the front door and called out to him. NO REPLY. GASP. THATS ODD. He'd usually be already waiting at the door or come running at the sound of the door unlocking. Weird. So i called out to him again. Still no Buddy, but the klinking sound of his collar was pretty loud so i knew he was near.

Then i saw the boy peeping out from the far end of the car porch at the dustbin area. Think the small gate must have been open and the little explorer went in and the wind blew and swung it shut. Poor boy got stuck. He's all COME SAVE ME! IM HERE IM HERE!

daaaaaaww (:
The little majesty.

Okay, so most people probably stopped reading after the first paragraph and just scrolled through the pictures TT WHO BLOGS ABOUT THEIR DOGS LIKE THIS?!?! TT So imma gonna stop. Awesome dog though, prolly gonna really miss him once i go back to the UK, one more month. Boo.

My Dog is awesome, he can impersonate cartoon characters.
That's him impersonating Dumbo right there. ;)

Ps. The sisters leaving to UK in 3 hours time. Boo.
pps. enjoy.

post AFK

Hello people who still stop by this sad excuse for a blog! :)

It is I, the person typing on the other side of your screen, if you try hard enough to push your hand through the screen, i might actually be able to shake your hand! :D oh joy! And i'd be able to thank you for caring enough to still visit and hope for an update on my mundane life and the ongoings inside this head of mine. Remember, the trick to this is to believe.

Im waiting!

Sorry for the lack of updates, you know how it is. So many things to blog about, but they pile onto one another and you dont want to blog about something before blogging about that other thing but before blogging about that other thing there is that OTHER thing and before you blog about that OTHER thing, you've got to pee. Tough. The solution to everything hence became, GAH, lets disregard all those other ideas and other events and pretend they never happened, instead, i give you this.

A post full of utter bullshit.

Yes, this is how i like to jump start the blogging engine in me.
Lets see if it works.

Im waiting.

On another note, I realize that people are so full of wisdom that they spout things that make you go all starry eyed and drool like ZOMG YOU'RE AWESOME, WHY CANT I BE MORE LIKE YOOOUUU? but then you turn around and realize that they only say these things but they never deliver. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit.

Ain't that the truth?

Also, i've discovered, some things you really need your girl friends for,

the Mäy (is fun-size)
bought new cheap ass heels
the Mäy (is fun-size)
the Mäy (is fun-size)
what are ass heels

Oh that's just MEAAAAN TT



Average. That's what i am, and perhaps that's what i will always be. Nothing more, nothing less, just average. And im fine being just average. Just. Average. I guess there was a point in time where i strived to stand out, a point in time where all i ever wanted to be was different, unique. But that stopped. Because it felt way better to be part of something, to feel that there was something out there bigger than me. I mean, at times it sucks to feel that you're so small and so insignificant that nothing you have done, or will ever do will have any effect on the world at all, and if you died, the world would still go on, like you never happened. But there's also a sort of beauty in that. To me anyway.

And i like to think that we're all average, and we're all normal people, but we all have our moments. Moments that mean nothing to one person but means the world to you. And we're all average, but somewhere out there, there's someone who thinks the world of you, there's someone out there who loves you for you, even though that's all you are - just average. I like to think that we're all somewhat different, but essentially we're all really the same. That's how i relate to you, and you to me. Because we're all the same.

Then again, everyone has different perceptions of what just average really is. But this is how i perceive myself to be, and maybe some of you may see it as kind of sad, for all i ever want to do is fit in with society, be one with the community, and just pass on without leaving my mark on the world. As long as there is one person that will think of me from time to time, thats enough for me.

And the one line that will always touch my heart,

'Just hearing your voice makes it all better.'

Thanks for making me special in your life.

This is the way I roll, yo

Paris then
Nice then
UK (graduations)
London then
Coventry then
London then
Bergen then
Oslo then
Copenhagen then
Amsterdam then
London then
Home. (:

What i did most during this trip,
































..and it smells like strawberries!

So i finally got around to watching,


And did it meet my expectations?


It WAAAAAY surpassed it.

The movie had me both laughing and in tears, it was just *sigh*. Such a good movie. A good end to toy story, really. The part where they were all about to fall into the fire and they just all held hands, it was just ): together till the end.... and then, THE CLAAAWW!!

freaaaaak!! :D

And the ending where andy was introducing all of his toys to Bonnie TT i was just like AAAWW MAAAAAAN super touching... and then bonnie saw woody in the box and andy was so reluctant to pass woody to her, it was like *heartbreaking* TT

and then when bonnie waved woody's hand goodbye to andy it was just.. boo. there are no words. 'Thanks guys.' Boo. No words. but MAN! Buzz's spanish side was HILARIOUS.


okay, its late. im tired. but *sigh*

Loved it. So much.


Men from the boys - Tony Parsons

He writes about the pauses, the deafening silences, the times where you want to say something but you know you should not and so you stop yourself. The silences where you can hear your whole world falling apart and there is nothing you can do about it. How a small comment you make, that small comment that you did not really mean but said it out loud because you were angry and wanted to hurt the other can cause irreparable damage. How sometimes trying is not good enough, how sometimes love is not enough. The fierce love you have for your children, that burning flame in your heart that never dies out, despite everything. No matter what they do, no matter what they say. How everything has consequence. And how selfish a human being can really be, but it is hard to place blame. Everybody points fingers.

Man and boy was about everything coming together after everything fell apart. Like a jigsaw puzzle, piece by piece. It’s all difficult at first because you can’t really see the whole picture yet so you’re fumbling about trying to make the pieces fit at all the wrong places, and you don’t know where you’re headed to, but you know you’re going somewhere. And anywhere will be better than here, for you started out with nothing. Blank. Nada. And that’s the story. Father and son.

Men from the boys is the complete opposite. its like, a knitted sweater, a perfect sweater, just your size, your favorite color even and how one stray end gets hooked onto the fence while you’re exiting the house in a hurry, rushing to get somewhere and the sweater unravels. You never notice until it is too late, when you look down at yourself and go, OH CRAP, and your sweater is half gone. But you try to gather up the yarn and you try to save what is left of the sweater. Mostly, it is about unraveling. So this book was mostly pretty depressing. But still pretty good.

I much preferred man and boy though, perhaps because it had a happier ending. I like happy endings. Hell, im a sucker for happy endings. I love the way tony parson writes, how he capture the moments in between. It gives me that sense of realness, and I can really see the characters come to life. It’s amazing really.


Bryan, Seng, Yaw, Karen, Jaq

:D Had a blast, thanks for all the laughs!

And i swear, now when i see the word Teppanyaki... ;)


So i went out for a run today with my dad. Haven't ran in SUCH A LONG TIME!! i mean, i can walk lots but running is different! So anyway, it felt SO GOOD to feel the wind against my face and feel like WHOOSH! road runner! BEEP BEEP! look at me! and zooming past all the vehicles that were stand still cause they were parked at the road side, but ah, a little make believe does nobody any harm, eh? *nudge nudge wink wink*

Im totally fit now.



Okay, so i lie. It was HOT, i felt NO WIND AGAINST MY FACE, and even if i did, i dont recall. YOU CALL THAT WIND!?!? shame! I felt icky, sticky, yucky (haha i sound like a kid talking about vegetables) and i could feel the beady sweat trickling down my back. And i felt like an egghead because i had my hair all tied back and my fringe pinned up. EGGHEAD I TELL YOU and then slightly like a horse too, because my ponytail kept swishing here and there side to side as if keeping the flies at bay.

But overall, it was pretty okay.

Going for a run again tomorrow (:

Keeping the parents company and getting strong ass legs that can kick unwanted strangers away. Oh yeah, BEWARE. I is awesome and teh powerful. =__=" well anyway, i wanted to update about my trip but theres just SO MUCH to write about and im afraid the time may have passed (as happened to the post on bali that never happened), we'll see. SO MUCH DRAMA! We'll see, we'll see *nod nod*.

Also, done reading Men from the boys, will do a short post on it tomorrow or something, again, we'll see. (: Will end this post with a short quote from Peter Pan, the part that makes me crack up laughing every time i watch it. Ending line is just EPIC. Gets to me every time. Me likes. Enjoy!
What's this I see? 'Tis the fair Wendy.
She's in her nursery. The window's shut.
I'll open it!

I'm afraid the window's barred.
I'll call out her name.

She can't hear you.

She can't see you.

She's forgotten all about you.
Stop! Please! Stop it!

And what is this I see? There is another in your place.
He is called... husband.

-peter pan, the movie

Next read : Freakonomics ;)

....aaaaannnd Touchdown!

And then i looked at her again and something deep inside me fell away.

Because I always think its bizarre - no, I always think that it is unbelievable - that you can love someone, really truly love someone, and then one day you do not recognise their face.

If you have loved someone, you would think that you would know that face always and forever - wouldn't you? Shouldn't every line on that face be stamped on your heart?

But it is not. Your heart forgets.

- Men from the boys, Tony Parsons (pg6)
ps. lots to blog about, but meanwhile, QUOTE FROM THIS BOOK! sequel to MAN AND BOY (which is one of my favourite books if you dont remmeber, i quoted that book too awhile ago, do check my archives if you want to refresh your memory =D) im OVER THE MOON! not done reading the book but i liked this, so im sharing. cause sharing is caring and i love you guys. Anyway.